Public Map(int xDraw, int yDraw, Player player, URL codeBase) Int xTilesDraw, yTilesDraw, viewX, viewY, x, y, tileX, tileY, i1, i2
}And my Map class(also trimmed of non-relevance): Hello there, Lately, I have been trying to make a plugin and after two days of coding I recompiled my plugin (i use intelliJ btw) and got the below errors: Code (Text): Error: (14, 12) java: cannot find symbol. Map.SaveArray(map.fileName, map.tileArray) Player = new Player(50, 50, width, height) Check your JDK version and your build files, and (if this occurs in an IDE), the IDE settings. a var declaration) with an older compiler or older -source level. Public class Rpg extends Applet implements Runnable, KeyListener, MouseListenerįont Font15 = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 15) Cannot find symbol 'var': You are probably trying to compile source code that uses local variable type inference (i.e. My program up to this point has compiled with no problem. Need to ask the user for a birthdate in this specific format (mm dd yyyy) and then extract the month, day, and year separately. I'm relatively new to programming and a rank beginner with Java.
Import .* If the above isn't enough, and you feel like digging through my code, here it is, the main class called RPG(Note: I have trimmed my methods such as paint and update and the mouse and keylistener methods as they have no relevance here): import java.applet.* PC Win 7 64-bit system working in jGRASP. Which doesn't make any sense to me as here() it seems to say that there is a constructor for getImage(URL, String) The above line produces the error cannot find symbol : method getImage(,) Then, using my new-found referencing powers I slid the codeBase into the call of my other class and then tried to call it as getImage(codeBase, "/tiles/grass1.gif" So I've imported .* and declared a URL type variable named codeBase in init() I initialized it as codeBase = getCodeBase() That doesn't make much sense to me, but I tried it and it doesn't throw that particular error now. It was giving me a few errors that I didn't understand, I did some googling, found something that said I could only use getCodeBase() in the main top java file. I was recently trying to use getImage in a class inside of one of my packages. x.java:3:error: cannot find symbol public static void main(string args) symbol: class string location: class test x.java:5:error:package system does not. 1.7K Training / Learning / Certification.165.3K Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition).